Saturday, March 20, 2010


Since school days we are taught to be proud of living in a secular country where people from different castes and religions live together. We learn about how great we are and even when we witness 1992, our innocent minds believe that yes we are united and are among the best. A problem is solved only when we acknowledge that there is actually a problem. If we keep ignoring that there is a problem, then how and when are we gonna solve it?

Is it really such a great thing to have more than 29 languages in a country? What people speak in North is not understood by South and vice versa. We do not have a national language yet, because seculars fight fo their language to be national language. Why not English as national language? and there comes the ever burning pariotism which pops up only on 15th August and 26th January because we get national holidays. Nothing against diversity, but there has to be a common language understood by all ( no bull-shit that we understand heart's language). There has to be a link between different coaches to form a train which can then move ahead.

We are the biggest democracy in the world. Big claps for that, stand up and applaud a system where every Tom, Dick and Harry (Read Murderers, Rapers, and Thieves) can form its own party and contest a election. Then most of the illiterate innocent people ( illiterate's vote more in India than literates) go and select a candidate or party based on religion, caste, or social status. Not that education matters because I have seen even educated people vote for religious extremists because they want reservations for their religion/caste. After all this procedure, a party wins but that party has to take support of all the small parties to form a government. Bravo the great democracy! Here starts the process of compromising on values or vision ( if there is one) of the winning party. Finally its a wagon being pulled from all directions and going no where. Now we know why we have made such a rapid progress and still a developing nation. And yes, did I tell you, you cannot form a party if you do not have muscle power because then you will be killed and no one would even know about it.

Thr greatest thing that unites us now is probably corruption. From a junior policeman to the owner of a $4 Billion multi-national are involved in corruption. Railway scam, Common weath games, 2G and many more are just a few examples of where all the tax money goes. The work should be done at any cost what if we have to bribe someone. This thinking is as common as taking a bath in the morning is. Take bribes and give bribes is the mantra we are building our future on but yes we are seculars and we are united so we have to follow what others are doing.

Probably, a Bihari in Mumbai and a suffering Dalit in a village would be able to answer how secular we are. We have got all the resources, all the talent and a potential to replace 'ing' with 'ed' and be developed. We have to think as one, have one protocol, get out of religion division, focus in one direction and put all the force we have in that direction to get this train moving in the direction of the real development.

Jai Hind!

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